
18 novembre 2023

  • 50 min English
    🚪 Charms Classroom

    Measuring the Cost of a GraphQL Query

    Developers often make the mistake of centralizing fragment definitions and using them in every query, even when only a subset of attributes is needed. It’s important for GraphQL clients to be mindful of query optimization because the server has to process the client’s query and generate a customized response. If the client’s query isn’t optimized, it can force the server to process unnecessary data, resulting in slower response times. Unfortunately, identifying performance bottlenecks and slow queries, especially in an Apollo Federation architecture, can be quite challenging. In this session, we’ll dive into the reasons why measuring the “cost” of a GraphQL query is not a simple task. We’ll explore how the unique design of GraphQL affects the speed at which it executes a query. You’ll understand why it’s essential for you, as a client, to prioritize query optimization in order to achieve faster and more efficient performance.

    Marco Ippolito

    Marco Ippolito

    Developer Experience Engineer @NearForm | Node.js core member

  • 50 min English
    🚪 Great Hall

    Hello (virtual) world

    As our lives move more and more into the virtual world, let’s explore how we can use our coding skills and knowledge in JavaScript and HTML to create a virtual world of our own. In this session, through a live demo, we will cover the basics of creating a simple virtual reality game using A-Frame, JavaScript, and the DOM API. I hope this talk will ignite your creativity and inspire you to create games and have fun!

    Keren Kenzi

    Keren Kenzi

    Senior Software Engineer

    • 50 min English
      🚪 Potions Classroom

      Improving Firebase Backend for Flutter App through Cloud Functions

      This talk explores practical methods for improving serverless backends for Flutter apps using Firebase Cloud Functions. Attendees will gain insights into the benefits of serverless architecture and its seamless integration with Flutter. Discover how Firebase Cloud Functions empowers developers to efficiently handle your Firebase backend tasks such as data validation, notifications, and authentication and even build REST APIs. Moreover, the potential of leveraging AI assistance in cloud function development will be showcased, particularly for those who are unfamiliar with JavaScript or TypeScript.

      Sasha Denisov

      Sasha Denisov

      EPAM Systems, Chief Software Engineer, Flutter and Dart GDE

    • 50 min Italian
      🚪 Charms Classroom

      Untold CQRS

      Tutti siamo abituati a produrre o consumare API RESTful, attraverso metodi CRUD, ma siamo sicuri che sia sempre il modo migliore per far interagire il client con il server? In questo talk analizzeremo i vantaggi dell’approccio CQRS (e del pattern da cui deriva, CQS) evidenziando le differenze rispetto al classico paradigma CRUD.

      Enrico Giacomazzi

      Enrico Giacomazzi

      Freelance full stack developer

    • 50 min English
      🚪 Potions Classroom

      Firebase Extensions: Unleashing the Magic in Your Web Development Spells

      It’s time to add a dash of magic to your web development cauldron! In this enchanting session, we’ll dive into Firebase Extensions – the spellbook that transforms your mundane web development tasks into bewitching feats of automation. Picture it: as you sip your morning coffee, Firebase Extensions silently conjure features, handle tasks, and streamline workflows, leaving you with more time to practice your wand-waving skills (or enjoy that second cup of coffee).

      Laura Morinigo

      Laura Morinigo

      Software Developer , Mentor & Entrepreneur

    • 50 min Italian
      🚪 Great Hall

      La rivoluzione dei framework front-end

      Stiamo assistendo ad una rivoluzione del mondo front-end e moltissimi nuovi framework (full-stack) stanno nascendo o si stanno evolvendo: Next e i React Server Component, Astro, Qwik, SvelteKit, SolidJS, solo per citarne alcuni. L’ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca e l’incremento le prestazioni sono i principali motivi che stanno spingendo il mondo JavaScript ad abbandonare il Client Side Rendering (utilizzato principalmente nelle SPA) e tornare al Server Side Rendering (SSR), alla Static Generation (SSG) e ad adottare molteplici nuove strategie per migliorare il processo di Hydration, al fine di aumentare i punteggi dei Core Web Vitals e la velocità di rendering. SEO, User Experience , incremento delle conversioni e minor impatto ambientale sono le motivazioni principali che spingono i vari team ad andare in questa direzione. Cosa dobbiamo aspettarci per il prossimo futuro? E come è possibile raggiungere certi obiettivi e aggirare dei limiti che finora non permettevano di raggiungere certi risultati? In questa sessione interattiva, Fabio farà una panoramica sull’argomento e farà partecipare attivamente il pubblico con domande e quiz: i più preparati sul tema avranno la possibilità di vincere gadget, libri e licenze software : )

      Fabio Biondi

      Fabio Biondi

      Microsoft MVP | Google Expert in Angular