18 novembre 2023
- 50 min English🚪 Charms Classroom
Site Reliability Engineering out of the box natively on the Google Cloud Platform.
Quick intro about SRE and reasons why to implement SRE best practices when developing and engineering on GCP. Overview of native API’s and services that are available on GCP that enable SRE natively on the platform. A demo application running in GCP with said services including explanations, cost effectiveness (Cloud FinOps), monitoring, logging and DevOps etc. Ending with questions.
- 50 min English🚪 Potions Classroom
Firebase Extensions: Unleashing the Magic in Your Web Development Spells
It’s time to add a dash of magic to your web development cauldron! In this enchanting session, we’ll dive into Firebase Extensions – the spellbook that transforms your mundane web development tasks into bewitching feats of automation. Picture it: as you sip your morning coffee, Firebase Extensions silently conjure features, handle tasks, and streamline workflows, leaving you with more time to practice your wand-waving skills (or enjoy that second cup of coffee).
- 50 min Italian🚪 Charms Classroom
Come usare le VM Spot/Preemptible per risparmiare nella Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Scopriremo come utilizzare le VM Spot/Preemptible per risparmiare sui costi della Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Mostreremo un esempio pratico di come questa tecnologia può essere utilizzata per ridurre i costi di esecuzione dei tuoi carichi di lavoro, verrà mostrato quali sono i possibili limiti di utilizzo delle VM Spot/Preemptible e come mitigare i rischi associati ad un loro utilizzo.