
19 November 2023

  • 50 min Italian
    🚪 Defence against Dark Arts Classroom

    La magia di Erlang può far bene al tuo stipendio

    Gli sviluppatori Erlang sono tra i più pagati sul mercato. Whatsapp e molti altri grandi sistemi usano Erlang/Elixir come linguaggio di backend.

    In questo talk cerchiamo di capire perché questo linguaggio è cosi potente e perché conoscerlo ti può far bene anche se usi altri linguaggi. Sopratutto potrebbe far bene alla tua RAL:)! fonte ( )

    Gabriele Santomaggio

    Gabriele Santomaggio

    Senior Member of Technical Staff In Vmware.

  • 50 min English
    🚪 Great Hall

    Exploring the Enigmatic: Navigating JavaScript's Uncharted Realms

    Delve into the depths of advanced JavaScript features that often remain shrouded in mystery. Join us as we unravel the complexities of Symbols, WeakMap, WeakSet, and the art of Metaprogramming. In this session, we’ll demystify Symbols, showcasing how they transcend traditional properties, enabling the creation of private and immutable members. WeakMap and WeakSet will take the stage, offering insights into memory management. Metaprogramming, the crown jewel of this journey, will empower you to transcend ordinary coding. Witness how code can be generated, modified, and customized programmatically, opening doors to efficient, dynamic, and elegant solutions. We aim to equip you with the knowledge to effectively wield these features, elevating your JavaScript prowess. Whether you’re an aspiring developer or an experienced coder, join us in unravelling JavaScript’s enigmatic potential.

    Luca Del Puppo

    Luca Del Puppo

    Senior Software Developer at NearForm