
19 November 2023

  • 50 min English
    🚪 Charms Classroom

    The wizardry of project management

    It would be great to have a bunch of spells ready to be used to overcome any issue, delay, or conflict during the lifecycle of a project! Do you agree? Unfortunately, those spells are not available yet, but I will show you how to use your magic powder (soft skills) to manage one of the most important resources in a project, to successfully deliver a project on time, within budget, and to the required quality…that important resource is your stakeholders. ATTENTION: This session is not only for project managers. If you have a position that demands leadership or if you want to become a project manager, you can’t miss this session!

    Giovanna Reggina Galleno Malaga

    Giovanna Reggina Galleno Malaga

    Technical Project Manager & Soft Skills Specialist

  • 50 min Italian
    🚪 Charms Classroom

    Dalla scintilla iniziale (un'idea!) agli accordi tra i Founder: cosa devi assolutamente conoscere per non fare la figura del Babbano

    Una delle principali cause di fallimento delle startup riguarda i problemi tra i co-founder che, se non affrontati preventivamente e tempestivamente, possono portare alla divisione del team e a far chiudere i battenti prima del dovuto nonostante la bontà dell’idea imprenditoriale. In questo talk condividerò con te alcune preziose strategie utili a prevenire l’emergere di problemi tra co-founder, evitando così di fare la fine dei Babbani 😁 che, notoriamente, ignorano l’esistenza del magico mondo degli accordi tra i soci.

    Stefano D'Alessandro

    Stefano D'Alessandro

    CEO e Founder @Suredi | Startup Mentor | Aspirante Full Stack Entrepreneur